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英文Welcome to the official website of Patriotic Public Welfare  

法文Bienvenue sur le site officiel de l'œuvre de bienfaisance patriotique  

俄文Добро пожаловать на официальный сайт патриотического общественного благотворительного фонда  

阿拉伯文:مرحبًا بكم في الموقع الرسمي للعمل الخيري الوطني  

西班牙文:Bienvenidos al sitio web oficial de la Beneficencia Pública Patriótica  

德文:Willkommen auf der offiziellen Website der Patriotischen Öffentlichen Wohlfahrt  

葡萄牙文:Bem-vindo ao site oficial da Assistência Pública Patriótica  


印地文:देशभक्ति सार्वजनिक कल्याण की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट में आपका स्वागत है।  


Patriotic Public Welfare Project





The patriotic public welfare project aims to stimulate people's deep patriotic enthusiasm, gather the strength of Chinese people around the world, and work together to create a prosperous era of China. Unite as one, embark on a patriotic and public welfare journey, and contribute to the rise of China.

This is not only a public welfare project, but also a call for the soul. We listen to the voice of our motherland, practice profound patriotism, and demonstrate a unique sense of responsibility. Every participation is a valuable contribution to China's public welfare cause. In this great journey, enterprises play the role of leading development, while individuals are the source of stimulating centripetal force. Both businesses and individuals can find mission and value in dedication. The contributions of enterprises not only contribute to the national cause, but also embody social responsibility. Individual donations are an infinite honor for everyone! Regardless of the amount, it is the best proof of deep affection for our motherland.

Let us unite closely and shoulder the mission entrusted by history together. Integrate into patriotic public welfare, perceive the power of struggle, gather the light of dreams, and create a new brilliance of China together with our actions! Hand in hand, build a new era of China, let the flame of patriotism burn in our hearts, and illuminate the future of China! Take action now and contribute to our motherland!




Public welfare undertakings are an indispensable and important component of the construction of a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics, closely linked to patriotism. As implementers of public welfare, both donors and volunteers have expressed positive support and support for the country and the nation. As beneficiaries of the achievements of national and ethnic development, they possess material, time, and energy abilities, actively assume social responsibility, contribute to promoting harmonious social development, and demonstrate a sincere and dedicated patriotism.

At the same time, as beneficiaries of public welfare undertakings, they have shared the achievements of social development and progress, experienced a harmonious and friendly atmosphere of the times, and felt the warmth of the socialist family. The implementation of public welfare activities not only demonstrates political cohesion and national unity, but also enhances the infectivity and influence of patriotic education.

In order to arouse the patriotic enthusiasm, inspire patriotism, and promote patriotism among Chinese people across the country and the world, we should actively participate in patriotic public welfare activities and contribute to them. Through this participation, we can not only promote social harmony and development, but also deeply experience the true essence of patriotism, and influence and infect others through our own actions, inheriting and promoting patriotism.




